Steam Charts Palworld is back to down after the last Palworld Update

Steam Charts Palworld

Steam Charts Palworld came down now after the last Palworld Update.

Palworld game Steam Player is again dropping after the last Palworld update. Players have boosted after the update for just two weeks now Players are again dropping or leaving the game. Even Players are selling their Palworld accounts on Palworld elitepvpers.

Palworld Player Count Steam, Palworld Steam Chart, Palworld PS5
Palworld Steam

In this post, we will cover all the ups and downs in the Palworld steam chart and we also see about Palworld elitepvpers.

Steam Charts Palworld

Steam Palworld Charts show the pump and dump after the last big Palworld update. If we see the Palworld steam chart for April. We find from April 1 to 3 players are dropping from 63,603 to 57256 but the Update rollout on April 4 and the Player count will increase to 1,06,225 on April 4.

The highest player count after the update is 1,28,855 on April 6 and after that Palworld player count is dropping. And on weekends we see a small increase in the players from April 1 to 19. You will find the Palworld Steam player count for April below.

Steam Charts Palworld, Palworld player count
Palworld steam Charts

Palworld Steam player count April

AprilPalworld Player Count on Steam
April 1Monday 63,603
April 2Tuesday 56,031
April 3Wednesday 57,256
April 4Thursday 1,06,225
April 5Friday 1,20,352
April 6Saturday 1,28,855
April 7Sunday 1,26,026
April 8Monday 1,06,246
April 9Tuesday 1,00,056
April 10Wednesday 92,607
April 11Thursday 84,268
April 12Friday 87,362
April 13Saturday 96,456
April 14Sunday 90,931
April 15Monday 73,562
April 16Tuesday 70,847
April 17Wednesday 65,668
April 18Thursday 61,722
April 19Friday 63,881
April 20Saturday 71,889
April 21Sunday 67,032
April 22Monday 53,180
April 23Tuesday 52,164
April 24Wednesday 47,437
April 25Thursday 44,542
April 26Friday 46,332
April 27Saturday 49,991
April 28Sunday 49,518
April 29Monday 40,359
April 30Tuesday 42,927

That’s all about the Steam chart Palworld player count. The table will be updated till April 30. Now let’s about Palworld elitepvpers.

Palworld elitepvpers

Palworld elitepvpers
Palworld elitepvpers interface

Elitepvpers is a website where players trade game accounts in simple words Elitepvpers is the website that allows players to sell or buy a Palworld account. Palworld elitepvpers also provides cheat with many features like Aimbot, ESP, Infinity Stamina, Health, Durability, and more, fully customizable.

we hope you learned what the meaning is and what Palworld elitepvpers do. And not only for Palworld games the site covers a lot of games and buy and sell accounts.

That is all about this post we hope you like the information about Steam Charts Palworld and Palworld elitepvpers.

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