Suzaku Palworld is a fire element, a legendary pal that offers Kindling level 3 work suitability in Palworld. The Palworld Suzaku drops Flame organ and is found in the Dessicated Desert that is located northeast of the map.

We will cover all about the Suzaku Palworld in this post from its location to his breeding combos in the game. Let’s start with the basic details of Palworld suzaku Palworld.
Suzaku Palworld
Palworld Suzaku Pal is a fire-type powerful pal in the Palworld, The Pal drops Flame organ and is weak when you use a water elements pal like Palworld Jormuntide or Jormuntide ignis. Suzaku Pal offers Kinding 3 which can be used in cooking and refining ore in simple words work that needs fire.
How to get Suzaku Palworld

To get the Suzaku in Palworld, you need to carry a Legendary Sphere as the Suzaku Boss. And you should you the water pals to week the Suzaku fast and to catch the Pal. To craft a legendary sphere Palworld you need 10 paldium fragments, 5 cement, 5 pal metal ingots, and 3 carbon fiber.
Palworld Suzaku Boss Location
The best place to find Palworld Suzaku Boss in Plaworld is the Dessicated Desert, You can find Suzaku and Alpha Boss Suzaku in the Dessicated Desert but you need to explore the area and carry water element pal to week the Suzaku Boss and Legendary Sphere. You can check the below mark location of Suzaku Boss.

How to breed Suzaku Palworld
To breed Palworld Suzaku you need Blazamut and Astegon Pal or Cryolink and Blazamut Pal to breed Palworld Suzaku. Once you have this pal keep them on a breeding farm and wait for the egg, when you get the Suzaku egg. Once you have the egg keep it in the egg incubator and wait for the egg hatch. Check the Suzaku breeding combos.
Suzaku breeding combos
Parent 1 | Parent 2 |
Cryolink Cryolink Cryolink Blazamut Blazamut Blazamut Suzaku | Blazamut Suzaku Suzaku Aqua Astegon Suzaku Suzaku Orserk |
We hope you like the post, and we hope this information will help you find the Palworld Suzaku for your base. If you want to know about Blazamut or Palworld Jormuntide, you can check out our post.