Palworld Xbox Update Version v0.2.4.1 has been released

A quick update for Palworld Xbox Player, Palworld brings a new Xbox version v0.2.4.1 to fix the issue where the palworld game not loading in the desert city. The same you will find on the official Twitter handle of palworld.

Palworld Update Xbox Version v0.2.4.1
Palworld Xbox Update Version v0.2.4.1

Version v0.2.4.1 is only for Xbox we hope the Steam player not facing the issue. As per an official tweet, “Palworld has taken measures to alleviate the problem where players would fall through the terrain due to the world not loading in time in the desert city.”

Palworld Xbox Update

The last palworld update Xbox version v0.2.4.0 which was released a few days back with multiple issues fixes in the game for Steam and Xbox. Now we have the new palworld update for the Xbox player to fix the problem where players fall through the terrain due to the palworld game Desert City not loading on time.

We hope now the player can update as soon as possible and not fall through the terrain in the desert city. The game developer and palworld team thank the players for their continued support.

If you want to know about the previous Palworld Xbox Update version v0.2.4.0 you can check and know what all are fixed in the game. That is all for this post we hope you like the palworld quick update for Xbox players.

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