Genshin Player checks the new Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens: Dew-Kissed Chapter Event which starts today 29 July, and is going to end on the 8 August. The same information of Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens: Dew-Kissed Chapter Event was shared on the official tweet on Genshin Impact two days back.

As per the tweet “Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens: Dew-Kissed Chapter” Event: A Photographic Journey in Search of Inspiration. Let’s see more about the event.
Genshin Impact Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens: Dew-Kissed Chapter Event
As we said the event starts on 29th July and ends on 8 August the event also comes with Eligibility criteria. The Players or Travelers who are in adventure Rank 20 or above are eligible and complete Archon Quest Prologue: Act III “Song of the Dragon and Freedom”.
"Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens: Dew-Kissed Chapter" Event: A Photographic Journey in Search of Inspiration
— Genshin Impact (@GenshinImpact) July 27, 2024
〓Event Duration〓
2024/07/29 10:00:00 – 2024/08/08 03:59:59
See more details here: #GenshinImpact4ꓸ8
Event Rewards

Event Details
● After the event begins, 2 new photo-taking spots will be unlocked every day for the first 7 days. There are a total of 14 photo-taking spots.
● You must equip Asagiri’s Dedicated Fontaine Kamera and interact with the photo-taking point(s) to enter Photo-Taking Mode.
● In the Photo-Taking Mode, you can use the Settings button in the upper left corner to activate or deactivate Interval Timer Photography Mode and adjust the interval time.
● If you wish to adjust your Kamera Settings again, you can tap Pause Challenge and return to your preset, thus starting the setting adjustment process over again. Once you have finished taking a photo, if you wish to continue taking pictures using the current settings, you can tap Keep Taking Photos to return to the photo-taking phase.
● During the event, you can claim rewards the first time you complete the corresponding photo-taking objectives at each photo-taking spot.
- Recorded photos will not be stored in Photo Notes. You can save your favorite photos on your current personal devices by clicking on the larger image to save it.

That is all about this post we hope you like a quick update on the new Genshin Impact web event. If you think we made any mistake in providing this event details then you can read from the hoyolab site. You can also read about the Genius Invokation TCG Heated Battle Mode Event from our site.