Genshin Impact brings new Events for Genshin players. The new Record of Reflective Writing Event will start on 18 June and the same information will be available on the official Genshin Impact Twitter post more details of the Record of Reflective Writing Event will be available on the hoyolab site and the same information is mentioned below.

As per the Twitter post “Record of Reflective Writing” Event: Barrage Labyrinth Challenge. Let’s see more about the new Event.
Record of Reflective Writing Event
The event will start on 18 June and will end on 24 June. The event also comes with Eligibility criteria, Players need to have an Adventure Rank 20 or above and Complete Archon Quest Chapter II: Act III “Omnipresence Over Mortals” first to get the best experience from this event. You can find the event rewards below.
Record of Reflective Writing Event Rewards

Event Details
- The event going to have a total of 6 challengers and 2 new challenges will unlock each day for the first 3 days of the event.
- During the first five stages, Travelers will need to use the designated characters to complete the challenge. During the sixth stage, Travelers may choose two characters from among the designated characters to complete the challenge.
- Travelers or players will have to evade periodic incoming barrages from the mechanisms while collecting Labyrinth Coins during the allotted time. Collect Labyrinth Coins to gain points, Adventure Risk, and Risk Level. The higher the Risk Level, the greater the volume of incoming fire, and the more Labyrinth Coins that will appear.
- During each stage, Adventure Techniques can be used to assist you.

That is all about this post we hope you a quick update on the new Genshin Impact event. If you think we made any mistake in providing this event details then you can read from the Hoyolab site. You can also read about the event Genius Invokation TCG Heated Battle Mode Event from our site.