Predecessor Steamcharts show the increase in the Player count in August compared to July month. The Player Count of Predecessor is increased after V1.0 Update. The players are happy with the new Update of Predecessor.

In this post will see the Predecessor Steamcharts for August or the Predecessor Player count for August and compare it with the previous month.
Predecessor Steamcharts
Predecessor Steamcharts Player count on August 1st was 2,038 and at the end of 31st August the count of Predecessor was 4,211. Predecessor’s Highest and Lowest player count in August was 5,288 on 25th August is the highest player count while the lowest count of the month was 1,969 on 7th August.
If we compare it with July month highest and lowest count. The Predecessor Steamcharts highest player count was 3,140 and the lowest player count was 1,903. That shows the increase in the Player count in August month you can also check the Predecessor Steam chart below.

Find the Steamcharts Predecessor players count for August month below.
Predecessor Player count August
Date | Predecessor player count Steam |
1 August | Thursday 2,038 |
2 August | Friday 1,994 |
3 August | Saturday 2,282 |
4 August | Sunday 2,542 |
5 August | Monday 2,083 |
6 August | Tuesday 2,037 |
7 August | Wednesday 1,969 |
8 August | Thursday 1,994 |
9 August | Friday 2,006 |
10 August | Saturday 2,127 |
11 August | Sunday 2,440 |
12 August | Monday 2,082 |
13 August | Tuesday 2,062 |
14 August | Wednesday 2,020 |
15 August | Thursday 1,984 |
16 August | Friday 1,996 |
17 August | Saturday 2,182 |
18 August | Sunday 2,417 |
19 August | Monday 2,093 |
20 August | Tuesday 4,181 |
21 August | Wednesday 4,144 |
22 August | Thursday 3,925 |
23 August | Friday 3,651 |
24 August | Saturday 4,548 |
25 August | Sunday 5,288 |
26 August | Monday 4,263 |
27 August | Tuesday 3,868 |
28 August | Wednesday 4,168 |
29 August | Thursday 3,897 |
30 August | Friday 3,906 |
31 August | Saturday 4,211 |
We hope you find this Predecessor Steamcharts or our post helpful if you want to know the Predecessor Steam chart for July and you can also check the August month for Fallout 76 Steamchart or Fallout 4 Steamchart from our site