Predecessor Steam charts for July show the fall in the Player count

Predecessor Steam charts: The Predecessor is Inspired by the legacy of Paragon, built with love by the community, and powered by Unreal Engine 5, Predecessor is the ultimate fusion of shooter action and MOBA strategy. Join more than 1,000,000 players and play for FREE now! The gameplay by many players and the Predecessor Steam charts show a decrease in the Player count in July month.

Predecessor Steam charts
Predecessor Steam charts

Player count of Predecessor or Predecessor Steam Player count when we compare July month with June. The Predecessor Update V0.19 release in July month for Terra, Summer Sales, Balance Adjustments, and more. Find the Predecessor Steam charts details below.

Predecessor Steam charts

In July month we see a slight fall in the Player count of Predecessor steam. On the 1st of July, the Player count as par Steam was 2,847, and on the 31st the count was 2,075. You think it’s common but if we compare it with June month. On June 1st the Player count was 3,565 and at the end of June which was on 30 June, the count was 3,281.

If we leave the June month Predecessor Steam charts and only see the July month Player count. The Highest Player count on Predecessor Steam in July month is 3,140 in July and if we see the lowest player count for July month the count was 1,903 on 30 July.

We usually see an increase in the player count of the game after the release of any Update whether it is fixed in the game or brings any new features in the game. You can find the Predecessor Steam chart below for July month.

Predecessor Steam charts
Steamcharts Predecessor

Find the Steamcharts Predecessor players count for July month below.

Predecessor Player count

DatePredecessor player count Steam
1 JulyMonday 2,847
2 JulyTuesday 2,460
3 JulyWednesday 2,767
4 JulyThursday 2,851
5 JulyFriday 2,701
6 JulySaturday 2,851
7 JulySunday 3,140
8 JulyMonday 2,709
9 JulyTuesday 2,341
10 JulyWednesday 2,226
11 JulyThursday 2,259
12 JulyFriday 2,449
13 JulySaturday 2,636
14 JulySunday 2,706
15 JulyMonday 2,376
16 JulyTuesday 2,182
17 JulyWednesday 2,107
18 JulyThursday 2,076
19 JulyFriday 2,250
20 JulySaturday 2,381
21 JulySunday 2,657
22 JulyMonday 2,291
23 JulyTuesday 1,990
24 JulyWednesday 2,016
25 JulyThursday 2,082
26 JulyFriday 2,094
27 JulySaturday 2,257
28 JulySunday 2,489
29 JulyMonday 2,186
30 JulyTuesday 1,903
31 JulyWednesday 2,075

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