Ghost of Tsushima Steamchart Player count increase in September

Ghost of Tsushima Steamchart shows the increase in the player count in September. The count of players increases after players come to know about the offer on the game on 12th September which helps the game to increase the Player count in September.

Ghost of Tsushima Pc
Ghost of Tsushima Steamchart

In this post will see the Ghost of Tsushima Steam chart for September and compare it with August’s highest and lowest player count as per the Steam chart. We also going to see the Ghost of Tsushima Player count for September.

Ghost of Tsushima Steamchart September

Ghost of Tsushima Steamchart Player count increased in September the count on 1st September was 6,703 and at the end of September 30th the count was 8,504. The highest player count in September was 12,601 on 15th September and the lowest count as per the Steamchart was 4,470 on 10th September.

If we compare September month with August Steamchart to know the difference in the highest and lowest player count of Ghost of Tsushima. The highest player count in August was 8,749 and the lowest was 4,997. This shows the increase in the player count in September and you can also find the Ghost of Tsushima Steamchart for September below.

Ghost of Tsushima Steamchart
Ghost of Tsushima Steamchart

Ghost of Tsushima Player count September

DateGhost of Tsushima player count Steam
1 SeptemberSunday 6,703
2 SeptemberMonday 6,674
3 September Tuesday 5,132
4 SeptemberWednesday 4,790
5 SeptemberThursday 4,520
6 SeptemberFriday 4,748
7 SeptemberSaturday 5,888
8 SeptemberSunday 6,492
9 SeptemberMonday 4,729
10 SeptemberTuesday 4,470
11 SeptemberWednesday 4,513
12 SeptemberThursday 4,653
13 SeptemberFriday 6,696
14 SeptemberSaturday 9,910
15 SeptemberSunday 12,601
16 SeptemberMonday 9,779
17 SeptemberTuesday 9,552
18 SeptemberWednesday 9,226
19 SeptemberThursday 9,113
20 SeptemberFriday 9,622
21 SeptemberSaturday 11,355
22 SeptemberSunday 11,812
23 SeptemberMonday 7,922
24 SeptemberTuesday 7,545
25 SeptemberWednesday 8,039
26 SeptemberThursday 8,205
27 SeptemberFriday 8,727
28 SeptemberSaturday 11,056
29 SeptemberSunday 11,722
30 SeptemberMonday 8,504
Ghost of Tsushima Player count

We hope you find this Ghost of Tsushima Steam chart or our post helpful. If you want to know the Ghost of Tsushima Steamcharts for August, you can also check our site’s Enshrouded Steamchart and Hogwarts Legacy Steamchart for September.

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