Ghost of Tsushima Steam charts going down month after month. If you don’t about Ghost of Tsushima, it’s a game based on the 13th century, the Mongol empire has laid waste to entire nations along their campaign to conquer the East. Tsushima Island is all that stands between mainland Japan and a massive Mongol invasion fleet led by the ruthless and cunning general, Khotun Khan.

The steam chart Ghost of Tsushima shows the decline in July month even if we compare it with June month its decline is more. In this post, we going to see the Ghost of Tsushima Steam charts or Ghost of Tsushima Player count.
Ghost of Tsushima Steam charts
Ghost of Tsushima steam Player count on 1st July was 11,303 and at the end which is 31st July the count was 6,075. If we see the July month’s highest player count count was 12,253 and the lowest count of the month was 6,075 on 31st July.
The count is falling so fast that the game was released in May 2024 for PC and after that game player count going or fall month after month. No doubt the game comes with immersive graphics and experience but game players count going down. In July month we see two small updates to improve the users or Players experience. You can find the Ghost of Tsushima Steamcharts below for July month.

Find the Steamcharts Ghost of Tsushima players count for July month below.
Ghost of Tsushima Player count July
Date | Ghost of Tsushima player count Steam |
1 July | Monday 11,303 |
2 July | Tuesday 10,349 |
3 July | Wednesday 10,368 |
4 July | Thursday 10,947 |
5 July | Friday 9,878 |
6 July | Saturday 11,552 |
7 July | Sunday 12,253 |
8 July | Monday 9,375 |
9 July | Tuesday 8,247 |
10 July | Wednesday 7,767 |
11 July | Thursday 7,767 |
12 July | Friday 8,119 |
13 July | Saturday 10,078 |
14 July | Sunday 10,668 |
15 July | Monday 8,241 |
16 July | Tuesday 7,914 |
17 July | Wednesday 7,356 |
18 July | Thursday 6,984 |
19 July | Friday 7,003 |
20 July | Saturday 8,599 |
21 July | Sunday 9,447 |
22 July | Monday 7,360 |
23 July | Tuesday 7,099 |
24 July | Wednesday 6,723 |
25 July | Thursday 6,636 |
26 July | Friday 6,658 |
27 July | Saturday 8,119 |
28 July | Sunday 8,720 |
29 July | Monday 6,720 |
30 July | Tuesday 6,352 |
31 July | Wednesday 6,075 |
We hope you find this Ghost of Tsushima Steamchart or this post helpful and if you play other games like Hogwarts Legacy or Enshrouded then you can also check the Enshrouded Steamcharts or Hogwarts Legacy Steamchart for July Month.