Genshin Impact players check the Genshin Impact Version 5.0 Update Maintenance Preview shared on the official Twitter of Genshin Impact. The Version 5.0 Update Maintenance begins on 28 August.

Per the Twitter post-Version 5.0 Update Maintenance Preview Dear Travelers, Our developers are expected to perform maintenance at 2024/08/28 06:00 (UTC+8). Please stay tuned for related game update information. Let’s see more about the Genshin Version 5.0 Update Maintenance Preview.
Version 5.0 Update Maintenance Preview
In Version 5.0, to optimize the update installation speed after pre-downloading on hard disk drives, the required space for PC pre-download is relatively large, and is approximately 26–38 GB (with the resource package occupying 16–23 GB).
If your device has limited storage space, please reserve space for the resource package (approximately 16–23 GB) and wait until the version update maintenance period or after to perform the update directly. Find the details of Version 5.0 Update Maintenance Preview below.
Genshin Impact developers will soon begin performing update maintenance. While the update maintenance is in progress, Travelers will be unable to log in to the game. Please take note of the update time and schedule your game time accordingly.
After this is complete, the game will update to a new version. We recommend that Travelers install this update over a Wi-Fi connection.
Version 5.0 Update Maintenance Preview
— Genshin Impact (@GenshinImpact) August 26, 2024
Dear Travelers,
Our developers are expected to begin performing maintenance at 2024/08/28 06:00 (UTC+8). Please stay tuned to related game update information.
See more details here: #GenshinImpact
Update Maintenance Duration
Update maintenance begins at 2024/08/28 06:00 (UTC+8) and is estimated to take 5 hours.
How to Update Game Client
PC – Close the game, open the Genshin Impact Launcher, and click Update.
iOS – Open the App Store and tap Update.
Android – Open the game and follow the directions on-screen.
PS5™ and PS4™ – Highlight Genshin Impact from the Home Screen, press the OPTIONS button, and select “Check for Update.”
Please do not hesitate to contact Customer Service if you encounter any issues installing the new version. The Genshin Impact team will do its very best to resolve the issue.
Maintenance Compensation: Primogems x300 (60 Primogems per hour the servers are down)
Travelers who reached Adventure Rank 5 and above before 2024/08/28 06:00 (UTC+8). Compensation must be claimed before the end of Version 5.0.
Genshin Impact developers will distribute compensation to Travelers via in-game mail within 5 hours after the update maintenance is finished. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don’t forget to claim the attached compensation in time.
For more update details, including adjustments, optimizations, bug fixes, and other compensation details, please see the Version Update Details notice to be posted at 2024/08/28 07:00 (UTC+8).

That is all about this post we hope you like a quick update on the new Genshin Impact. If you think we made any mistake in providing these details then you can read from the hoyolab site. You can also read about the Guide to Wondrous Sights Web Event and Off We Go to the Nation of Pyro Web Event from our site.