Fallout 76 steam charts Player count falling in July Month

Fallout 76 steam charts show the fall in the player count of the Fallout 76 game. The game player count is decreasing compared to the June month. If you don’t know about the Fallpot 76 then it’s a game that shows that Twenty-five years after the bombs fall, you and your fellow Vault Dwellers emerge into post-nuclear America. Explore a vast wasteland in this open-world multiplayer addition to the Fallout story.

Fallout 76 steam charts
Fallout 76 steam charts

The game was released in 2020 and still maintained the player count. This is not the first time Fallout 76 has lost players. The game-loss player in 2020 and regain in 2024 and the game started losing players. Let’s see in detail how much the decline in player count of Fallout 76 steam charts.

Fallout 76 steam charts

Steam charts Fallout 76 Player count on 1st July was 25,890 and at the end of the month on 31st July the count was 12,149. If we see July month in three parts. In the first 10 days, the highest count is 28,865 on 7th July it is also the highest count in weekly vise. The lowest of the first 10 days is 16,177 on 10th July.

In the second 10 days which means 11 to 20 July. The highest count was 20,616 on 14th July and the lowest player count was 13,300 on 19th July. In the last 11 days of July which is 21 to 31 July. The highest player count of Fall 76 was 16,508 on 21st July and the lower count was 12,149 on 31st July. You can find the Fallout 76 steam charts below the image.

Fallout 76 steam charts
Steam charts Fallout 76

Find the Fallout 76 Steamchart players count for July month below.

Fallout 76 players count

DateFallout 76 players count Steam
1 JulyMonday 25,890
2 JulyTuesday 26,289
3 JulyWednesday 24,694
4 JulyThursday 28,051
5 JulyFriday 25,519
6 JulySaturday 26,746
7 JulySunday 28,865
8 JulyMonday 22,872
9 JulyTuesday 20,359
10 JulyWednesday 16,177
11 JulyThursday 15,981
12 JulyFriday 16,930
13 JulySaturday 19,146
14 JulySunday 20,616
15 JulyMonday 15,620
16 JulyTuesday 16,959
17 JulyWednesday 15,170
18 JulyThursday 14,143
19 JulyFriday 13,300
20 JulySaturday 15,010
21 JulySunday 16,508
22 JulyMonday 12,955
23 JulyTuesday 16,186
24 JulyWednesday 15,019
25 JulyThursday 14,077
26 JulyFriday 13,437
27 JulySaturday 14,678
28 JulySunday 15,484
29 JulyMonday 12,451
30 JulyTuesday 14,433
31 JulyWednesday 12,149

You can also check other games like Lethal Company Steam Charts and Grey Zone Warfare Steam Charts.

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