Fallout 4 Steamcharts for July show the fall compared to June

Fallout 4 Steamcharts for July show a fall in the player count. If you don’t know Fallout 4, the award-winning creators of Fallout 3 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, welcome you to the world of Fallout 4 – their most ambitious game ever, and the next generation of open-world gaming.

Fallout 4 Steamcharts
Fallout 4 Steamcharts

The game lost the players compared to June month but the game still maintained a high player count compared to March month. In April Fallout 4 received or added more players due to the Fallout TV series and in May it brought Fanatical: Prestige Collection – Build Your Own bundle. After April month the Player count again started falling. Let’s see the Fallout 4 Steam charts for July.

Fallout 4 Steam charts

Steamchart Fallout 4 Player count on 1st July was 32,822 and at the end of the month on 31st July the count was 27,850. If we divide the July month into three parts. In the first part which is the first 10 days of July month. The first day’s highest count is 38,117 on 7th July and the lowest in the first 10 days is 26,345 on 10th July.

However, in the second part which would be from 11 to 20 July the high Player count of Fallout 4 is 32,432 on July 14th and the lower count is 23,688 on 18th July. If we see the last part which is third from 21 to 31 July the highest count is 33,318 on 27th July whereas the lowest count is 22,970 on 24th July.

This game released in the year 2015 and in 2024 still maintains 22k players which shows how much players like this game. whereas you see the new games released in 2024 have almost lost all players and maintain a player count of 2k to 5k.

The highest player count for Fallout 4 Steamcharts in July month is 34,532 and the lowest count of the month is 22,970. You can find the Fallout 4 Steamcharts below the image.

Fallout 4 Steamcharts
Steamcharts Fallout 4

Find the Steamcharts Fallout 4 players count for July month below.

Fallout 4 Steamcharts players count

DateFallout 4 players count Steam
1 JulyMonday 32,822
2 JulyTuesday 31,695
3 JulyWednesday 31,208
4 JulyThursday 33,708
5 JulyFriday 31,764
6 JulySaturday 34,532
7 JulySunday 38,117
8 JulyMonday 29,948
9 JulyTuesday 27,607
10 JulyWednesday 26,345
11 JulyThursday 27,113
12 JulyFriday 27,445
13 JulySaturday 30,999
14 JulySunday 32,432
15 JulyMonday 27,069
16 JulyTuesday 25,989
17 JulyWednesday 24,992
18 JulyThursday 23,688
19 JulyFriday 23,983
20 JulySaturday 27,467
21 JulySunday 30,070
22 JulyMonday 24,396
23 JulyTuesday 23,724
24 JulyWednesday 22,970
25 JulyThursday 27,275
26 JulyFriday 28,738
27 JulySaturday 33,318
28 JulySunday 37,379
29 JulyMonday 30,432
30 JulyTuesday 28,931
31 JulyWednesday 27,850
Fallout 4 Steamcharts day wise

You can also check other games like Grey Zone Warfare Steam Charts. Steam Charts and Fallout 76 steam charts.

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