Fallout 4 Steam Chart Player Count fall in September

Fallout 4 Steam Chart shows the fall in player count in September month. The Player count of Fallout 4 is less than the August month Player count and the count has dropped from the past two months.

Fallout 4 Steamcharts
Fallout 4 Steam Chart

In this post will see the Fallout 4 steam chart for September and compare it with August month or the Fallout 4 Player count for September.

Fallout 4 Steam Chart September

Fallout 4 Steam Chart Player count on September 1st was 24,848 and on September 31st was 15,898. If we see the highest and lowest player count as per the Steam chart. The highest player count of Fallout in September was 23,092 on September 8th and the lowest player count was 15,577 on September 19th.

Same if we compare it to August month’s highest and lowest. The highest player count as per the August Steamchart of Fallout 4 was 33,394 and the lowest count was 19,561 which shows the decrease in the Player count in September month. You can also check the Fallout 4 Steam Chart September below.

Fallout 4 Steam Chart
Fallout 4 Steam Chart

Fallout 4 Player Count September

DateFallout 4 player count Steam
1 SeptemberSunday 24,848
2 SeptemberMonday 24,318
3 September Tuesday 18,844
4 SeptemberWednesday 18,026
5 SeptemberThursday 17,494
6 SeptemberFriday 18,013
7 SeptemberSaturday 21,472
8 SeptemberSunday 23,092
9 SeptemberMonday 18,637
10 SeptemberTuesday 16,802
11 SeptemberWednesday 16,490
12 SeptemberThursday 16,253
13 SeptemberFriday 16,968
14 SeptemberSaturday 20,280
15 SeptemberSunday 22,081
16 SeptemberMonday 17,135
17 SeptemberTuesday 16,097
18 SeptemberWednesday 15,705
19 SeptemberThursday 15,577
20 SeptemberFriday 16,329
21 SeptemberSaturday 19,493
22 SeptemberSunday 21,036
23 SeptemberMonday 16,570
24 SeptemberTuesday 15,902
25 SeptemberWednesday 15,369
26 SeptemberThursday 15,341
27 SeptemberFriday 15,965
28 SeptemberSaturday 18,733
29 SeptemberSunday 20,326
30 SeptemberMonday 15,898
Fallout 4 Player count

We hope you find this Fallout 4 Steamchart or our post helpful. If you want to know the Fallout 4 Steamcharts for August, you can also check our site’s Fallout 76 Steamcharts and Gray Zone Warfare Steamcharts for September.

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