Enshrouded Steamcharts show the balancing in the player count for the past two months, and the same goes for July. The game was released after the Palworld game and gained a high player count in 2024, but after its release, it decreased in player count month after month.

In this post, we are going to see the July month Enshrouded Steamcharts or Enshrouded Player count.
Enshrouded Steamcharts
The Enshrouded is not good nor too bad for the Enshrouded game. The game maintains a player count compared to June month. The Highest player count in July was 12,222 on 7th July and the lowest count of the month was 5,240 on 26th July.
If we see the player count it’s not high nor too low. The game trying to maintain player count in July month and June month which is great and maybe soon we see new events or updates to gain more players in upcoming months. You can find the Enshrouded Steamcharts below for July month.

Find the Steamcharts Enshrouded players count for July month below.
Enshrouded Player count July
Date | Enshrouded player count Steam |
1 July | Monday 9,121 |
2 July | Tuesday 8,467 |
3 July | Wednesday 8,617 |
4 July | Thursday 9,620 |
5 July | Friday 9,127 |
6 July | Saturday 11,092 |
7 July | Sunday 12,222 |
8 July | Monday 9,094 |
9 July | Tuesday 8,004 |
10 July | Wednesday 7,669 |
11 July | Thursday 7,779 |
12 July | Friday 8,168 |
13 July | Saturday 9,456 |
14 July | Sunday 9,713 |
15 July | Monday 7,483 |
16 July | Tuesday 6,847 |
17 July | Wednesday 6,391 |
18 July | Thursday 5,782 |
19 July | Friday 6,028 |
20 July | Saturday 7,164 |
21 July | Sunday 8,000 |
22 July | Monday 6,109 |
23 July | Tuesday 5,731 |
24 July | Wednesday 5,607 |
25 July | Thursday 5,241 |
26 July | Friday 5,240 |
27 July | Saturday 6,477 |
28 July | Sunday 7,108 |
29 July | Monday 6,981 |
30 July | Tuesday 7,507 |
31 July | Wednesday 8,118 |
We hope you find this Enshrouded Steamchart or our post helpful and if you play other games like Fallout 76 or Palworld then you can also check the Palworld Steamcharts or Fallout 76 Steamchart for July Month.