Palworld Update v0.4.13: Major Changes, Bug Fixes, and Gameplay Enhancements

The developers of Palworld have released version v0.4.13, The new Palworld Update v0.4.13 packed with balance adjustments, gameplay tweaks, and a long list of bug fixes. This update promises to improve the overall experience for players, ensuring smoother gameplay and more balanced mechanics. Here’s everything you need to know about this update.

Palworld Update v0.4.13 Brings Major Fixes and Gameplay Tweaks
Palworld Update v0.4.13 Brings Major Fixes and Gameplay Tweaks

Key Balance Adjustments – Palworld Update v0.4.13

Improved Air Mobility for Xenolord and Frostallion

  • Turning speed while airborne has been increased, offering better maneuverability during combat or exploration.

Enhanced Rewards on the Large Oil Rig

  • Legendary blueprint drop rates from large chests have been boosted.
  • Uncommon blueprints have been removed from the loot table, making rare rewards more accessible.

    Major Bug Fixes

    A wide range of bugs have been addressed in this update to enhance the gameplay experience:

    Character and Environment Issues

    • Fixed a bug where characters could fall under the terrain during login.
    • Resolved problems where Pals at the base would stop moving or generating power, especially on dedicated servers.

    Combat and Boss Fixes

    • Summoned Pals will now stay closer to players during combat.
    • Adjustments to bosses, including fixing tower bosses that stopped moving and repositioning the desert dungeon boss to proper locations.

    Dungeon and Exploration Improvements

    • Players can no longer skip dungeon bosses and go straight to the end.
    • Expanded weak spots on the attack chopper for better engagement.

    General Gameplay

    • Fixed several issues with the grappling gun, mounted behavior, and unintended item feeds to Pals.
    • Resolved bugs affecting NPC interactions, such as selling items or rendering trees and flowers properly.

    Enhanced Gameplay Mechanics

    Summoned Pal Behavior

    • Pals will now return to the player if they stray too far during combat.
    • Pals won’t move unnecessarily if the player is aiming nearby, allowing for better control in battles.

    UI and Multiplayer Improvements

    • Fixed discrepancies in work speed displays between the host and client in multiplayer.
    • Resolved multiplayer startup issues where players were unable to move initially.

    Performance Upgrades

    This update also includes several terrain fixes, NPC spawn adjustments, and crash resolutions. The developers have fine-tuned active skills, partner skills, and minor visual glitches to ensure a more polished gaming experience.

    Future-Proofing the Palworld Experience

    This update not only addresses player concerns but also lays the foundation for a more seamless and immersive Palworld. With better loot mechanics, refined combat dynamics, and numerous bug fixes, players can expect a smoother and more rewarding journey in the world of Pals.

    Also, Read

    The Palworld v0.4.13 update is a testament to the developers’ commitment to delivering a high-quality gaming experience. Whether you’re tackling dungeons, building your base, or exploring the vast world, these changes will undoubtedly enhance your adventure.

    Stay tuned for more updates and happy gaming!

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