Fallout 76 Steam chart show the increase in the player count in October, Previosly the Fallout 76 Steam Charts highest count in September was 15,888 while in the october the highest count was 16,501. The count show the increase of 630 players in October.
In this post, We going to see the detailed player count of Fallout 76 for October month and compare it with last month’s highest and lowest, and find what helps the game to drive players to the game. Let’s start with the Fallout 76 Steam Charts in October.
Fallout 76 Steam Charts October
Fallout game was released in 2020 in April and attracted more and more players at the time. The game sees so many ups and downs during the phase. The steam chart shows the increase in October month after the Fallout 76 Update note release. Players still keep hope with Fallout 76 for new updates which we also see in the increase in the count of players in October.
The Fallout 76 steam charts player count on 1st October was 11,766 and at the end, the count was 11,793 on 31st October. The highest fallout 76 game count in October was 16,501 and the lowest player count was 9,491 on 11th October. If we compare it with September month highest and lowest count then the highest is 15,787 and the lowest was 9,727. You can check the October Fallout 76 Steam Chart below.
Fallout 76 Player Count
Date | Fallout 76 Player count |
1 October | Tuesday 11,766 |
2 October | Wednesday 10,491 |
3 October | Thursday 10,424 |
4 October | Friday 10,342 |
5 October | Saturday 11,842 |
6 October | Sunday 12,372 |
7 October | Monday 9,842 |
8 October | Tuesday 10,973 |
9 October | Wednesday 9,787 |
10 October | Thursday 9,368 |
11 October | Friday 9,491 |
12 October | Saturday 10,815 |
13 October | Sunday 11,476 |
14 October | Monday 9,915 |
15 October | Tuesday 11,158 |
16 October | Wednesday 10,274 |
17 October | Thursday 9,883 |
18 October | Friday 9,874 |
19 October | Saturday 10,927 |
20 October | Sunday 11,885 |
21 October | Monday 9,862 |
22 October | Tuesday 12,876 |
23 October | Wednesday 12,865 |
24 October | Thursday 12,816 |
25 October | Friday 12,958 |
26 October | Saturday 15,334 |
27 October | Sunday 16,501 |
28 October | Monday 12,757 |
29 October | Tuesday 13,897 |
30 October | Wednesday 12,091 |
31 October | Thursday 11,793 |
I hope now you understand What’s Driving the Increase in Steam Players? and how Fallout 76 gain players after update on 22nd October. If you want to know about Fallout 76 steam chart Sepetember you can check and you can also check the Gray Zone Warfare steam chart as well.