Fallout 4 Steamchart Playercount down in August Month

The Fallout 4 Steamchart shows the Player count of Fallout 4 decreasing in August. The game also lost Players in July, but in August, the count again decreased. The game loses players month after month developer needs to bring something new to the game so players can start playing the game again.

Fallout 4 Steamcharts
Fallout 4 Steamchart

In this post will see the Fallout 4 Steamchart for August or the Fallout 4 Player count for August and compare it with the previous month.

Fallout 4 Steamchart

Fallout 4 Steamchart Player count on 1st August was 26,859 and at the end of 31st August, the Player count was 23,341. The Fallout Steamchart’s highest and lowest player count in August was 33,394 on 11th August which is the highest of the August month and the lowest player count in August month was 19,561 on 19th August.

If we compare August month with July, before that let’s see the highest and lowest player count as per the steam chart of August. The Highest count in July was 34,532 and the lowest count in July was 22,970. July month shows the highest player count than August. Now you can find the Fallout 4 Steamchart for August below.

Fallout 4 Steamchart
Fallout 4 Steamchart

Find the Steamcharts Fallout 4 players count for August month below.

Fallout 4 Player count August

DateFallout 4 player count Steam
1 AugustThursday 26,859
2 AugustFriday 27,508
3 AugustSaturday 31,336
4 AugustSunday 34,876
5 AugustMonday 27,968
6 AugustTuesday 25,946
7 AugustWednesday 25,350
8 AugustThursday 24,693
9 AugustFriday 26,108
10 AugustSaturday 29,814
11 AugustSunday 33,394
12 AugustMonday 27,046
13 AugustTuesday 26,166
14 AugustWednesday 25,218
15 AugustThursday 24,984
16 AugustFriday 25,232
17 AugustSaturday 29,285
18 AugustSunday 32,262
19 AugustMonday 25,521
20 AugustTuesday 23,626
21 AugustWednesday 23,418
22 AugustThursday 22,504
23 AugustFriday 21,440
24 AugustSaturday 26,191
25 AugustSunday 28,556
26 AugustMonday 22,369
27 AugustTuesday 20,702
28 AugustWednesday 19,989
29 AugustThursday 19,561
30 AugustFriday 20,541
31 AugustSaturday 23,341
Fallout 4 Player count

We hope you find this Fallout 4 Steamchart or our post helpful if you want to know the Fallout 4 Steam chart for July and you can also check the August month for Gray Zone Warfare Steam Chart or Fallout 76 Steamchart from our site

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