Fallout 76 Steamchart shows the decrease in Player count in August

Fallout 76 Steamchart Playercount is down in August month. The Fallout 76 Player countdown is in August if we compare it with July month. The players seem to be attracted to new games with high graphics or want to try some other new games.

Fallout 76 steam charts
Fallout 76 Steamchart

In this post, we will see the Fallout 76 Steam Chart August or Fallout 76 Player count for August and compare it with the previous month.

Fallout 76 Steamchart

Fallout 76 Steamchart Player count on August 1st was 11,769 and at the end, the count was 11,219 on August 31st. If we see the Fallout 76 highest and lowest Player count in August month. The Highest player count in August was 15,787 on August 18th and the lowest Fallout 76 as par Steamchart in August month was 9,727 on August 29th.

If we compare August month with July and see the highest and lowest counts of Fallout 76. In July as per the Steam chart July, the highest count was 28,865 and the lowest count in July was 12,955 which shows the how much decrease in the Fallout 76 Player count in August. Find the Fallout 76 Steamchart for August below.

Fallout 76 Steamchart
Fallout 76 Steamchart

Find the Steamcharts Fallout 76 players count for August month below.

Fallout 76 Player count August

DateFallout 76 player count Steam
1 AugustThursday 11,769
2 AugustFriday 11,425
3 AugustSaturday 13,090
4 AugustSunday 14,220
5 AugustMonday 11,695
6 AugustTuesday 12,996
7 AugustWednesday 11,113
8 AugustThursday 10,561
9 AugustFriday 11,152
10 AugustSaturday 12,817
11 AugustSunday 14,239
12 AugustMonday 11,364
13 AugustTuesday 14,811
14 AugustWednesday 14,015
15 AugustThursday 13,160
16 AugustFriday 13,027
17 AugustSaturday 14,837
18 AugustSunday 15,787
19 AugustMonday 12,546
20 AugustTuesday 13,408
21 AugustWednesday 12,447
22 AugustThursday 11,796
23 AugustFriday 11,180
24 AugustSaturday 12,885
25 AugustSunday 13,817
26 AugustMonday 11,011
27 AugustTuesday 11,131
28 AugustWednesday 9,696
29 AugustThursday 9,727
30 AugustFriday 9,789
31 AugustSaturday 11,219
Fallout 76 Player count

We hope you find this Fallout 76 Steamchart or our post helpful if you want to know the Fallout 76 Steam chart for July and you can also check the August month for Gray Zone Warfare Steam Chart or Lethal Company Steamchart from our site

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